Alberto Aguilar Cortes
Despite efforts to reduce plastics in households, the damage is already done, and the oceans are witnessing it. We must act soon and help our only home, the Earth.
Despite efforts to reduce plastics in households, the damage is already done, and the oceans are witnessing it. We must act soon and help our only home, the Earth.
We are running in circles for money, trying to earn faster and more. Life is becoming a sport competition. Once we have started running, we will never stop as there’s no finish.
The poster aims to draw attention to skin protection, especially in the summer season. The most dangerous skin cancer is melanoma. Every year, the disease affects 160.000 people worldwide. Protect your skin.
Before 2050, the Arctic pack ice will melt completely in summer, even if ambitious climate targets are met. Nowhere on Earth is warming happening as rapidly as in the Arctic. The consequences are problematic for both humans and nature. The bright ice sheet plays a crucial role in the climate system by reflecting sunlight back into space, cooling the Arctic, and preventing further heating of the Earth’s atmosphere. While the ice masses melt, sea levels rise, coastal areas flood worldwide, extreme weather phenomena become more frequent.
Pacifists face a complex dilemma in dramatic situations like the war in Ukraine. Si vis pacem, para bellum (“if you want peace get ready for war”) or Si vis pacem para pacem?
Women earn less for the same work and the same qualifications.
Women are sexualized in the media and in everyday life.
Women mostly take care of children or the sick without being paid.
Women are more often affected by poverty in old age.
Women experience sexualized and/or domestic violence more often.
Women still do not have the same rights as men.
Women are less represented in politics and leadership positions.
In order to change something, equal rights are needed.
Therefore — men — make some space!
Domestic violence should not be tolerated, and everyone has the right to live in a safe and healthy environment. If you are experiencing domestic violence, please take action immediately, seek help and support, and protect yourself and others from further harm.
Mental health is hard work and constant effort. Never give that up. Keep well!